Select menu "About" to verify which full version # is currently running on your PC. Available updates are automatically checked every time you start IngenPool (and you have a valid Web connection). You then have the option to download and install, or skip and do it next time.
Some users running version or older may receive a "No Internet" message when trying to upgrade Ingenpool to the latest version. If this is the case, please follow the instructions below to update manually. A new upgrade process has been implemented in the latest version, solving the problem for future upgrades.
Manual Upgrade: You may download the newest installation package from here. Installing the newest package will not affect your existing data, registration or membership. You don't need to uninstall anything, just make sure Ingenpool is shut down before installing the new package.
V4.0.6.0 |
-Fargo Fairmatch handicap now fully automated. (See updated tutorial video.) |
V4.0.5.9 |
-Minor functions adjustments. -4059C Option to display League info in Points-Compiler |
V4.0.5.8 |
-Shared WEB database feature debugged and improved. -Option to select CHIP eliminated icon. (Dead fish is back!) -All data transfer under new TLS1.3 protocol. -CHIP distribution now passed on when opening as template. -Player-History default folder setting fixed. -Option to distribute CHIPs as per Skill-B. -Databse copy/paste contact info. (see FAQ for detail) |
V4.0.5.7 |
- / CHIP events used as template now carry over CHIP distribution data. - / Digits now accepted in full name database field. - / QR code added to hard copy scorecard. - / Male X-tra charge not printing on flyer fixed. - / Shared WEB database feature debugged and improved. -User name no longer shows on main window. -Various efficiency improvements and minor bug fix. -Text icons on dispatch now colored, reflecting Opt-In and # status. -OPTIONAL FEATURE; Auto-Text players when dropped on a table. -Option to Round CHIP 50% Buy-Back UP or DOWN. -Invoice icon in Player's Card to get charge summary per player. -Break and Run bundle-cost breakdown to facilitate sale of tickets. -New +- field in Player's card to make individual adjustments. -New randomizing process for split-bracket (LineUp and Skill sort). |
V4.0.5.6 |
-CHIP Late-Entry bug corrected. Late entry up to 64 players now allowed. -Buy-back feature added to CHIP format, 50% more or Do-or-die single chip. -Online bracket now showing "ASSIGNED #x" when players are at the table. |
V4.0.5.5 |
-New CHIP "Move to top of waiting line" option in "CHIP Manual Adjustments" menu. -CHIP win-in-a-row feat now logged in "Log" chalk board. -Fix on Out-of-bound startup error on super wide screen resolution -Free Race option now effective on Scotch-Double format (Twosome) -CHIP option to keep loser at the table and send winner waiting. |
V4.0.5.4 |
-Ability to reset individual table timer (click on timer). -Dash "-" now allowed in full names when submitting to Fargorate |
V4.0.5.3 |
-New QR Code large print in Reports. -QR Code now prints on regular flyer. |
V4.0.5.2 |
-On-Screen QR code for quick online bracket access. |
V4.0.5.1 |
-Option to keep a house-cut from the BreakPool ticket sales. |
V4.0.5.0 |
-On-Screen QR code for quick online bracket access. -Option to flag same opponent back-to-back in CHIP. -Bug fix on the winner side in previous version. |
V4.0.4.9 | -Copy CHIP's Data Boards to clipboard (see new Icon at the top). -Text-Messaging minor adjustments and fixes. -Edit the tournament name while in "Setup". |
V4.0.4.8 | -Date and time added to all CHIP log. -Position swap added to CHIP log. -Fargo submission requirement of 7+ Roster implemented. -Full name formatting verification upon Fargo submission. -Various minor bugs fixed. -Testing new texting SMS Gateway (email us to take part) |
V4.0.4.7 | -Database Country selection discrepancy fixed |
V4.0.4.6 | -Fetch Results error fixed on "Shared WEB Database" feature. -Missing countries in country-selection fixed. -Cherry pick 1st BYE on late-entry following bracket size increase. -Highlighting arrow on scorecard when "Manager comment" exist. |
V4.0.4.5 | -CHIP current player WIN/LOSS sequence shown at the bottom of chalk board. -CHIP wins-in-a-row notification added to "Commit" window. -Fee due added to HTML roster contact report. -Printer dialog option added to "Print Scorecard". -You can now set your own schedule start-time when running a simulation. |
V4.0.4.4 | -Set your own advertising banners in your "My Online Space" and online brackets. Watch video "Advertising and Sponsorship" at budtour.com for detail. -You can now set your own schedule start-time when running a simulation (4044E). |
V4.0.4.3 | -Various minor bug fixes and improvements. |
V4.0.4.2 | -State capitalization fixed in Organization. -New SMS Gateway service. -Full Name added to points and participation compiler. |
V4.0.4.1 | -Game played count per player (for custom green fee). -Attendance report now available in HTML format. -New table blue cloth option. |
V4.0.4.0 | -More efficient version update process. -CHIP Twosome swap position fixed. -Total Game Played count added to top-right status panel. -Player's Game Played count added to "View Previous Results" menu. -HTML output added to Rooster and Contact reports. |
V4.0.3.9 | -Fargo submission TIME-OUT error fixed. |
V4.0.3.8 | -Maximum CHIPS allowed increased from 8 to 12. -Twosome assignment now available for CHIP events. -Minor graphics and adjustments update. -ELO Ranking report now customizable. |
V4.0.3.7 | -Actual Race without Spot now displayed on dispatch. -Option to hide Aliases in Print-Roster. -City and Zip added to online More-Info tab. -New ASSIGNED label shown on dispatch when players are at the table. -New Post-it note feature on dispatch. -New My Online Space, see WEB Publishing Tool to create link. |
V4.0.3.6 | -Dispatch now shows actual handicapped race. -Fix error on dispatching last double-KO match. -New "Padlock" on Round-Robin Stats to lock scrolling on single stat. |
V4.0.3.5 | -SMS shortcut icon on dispatch to reach players quickly. -Bracket indicator for match with open dispatch. -You may now drag-n-drop players to a table from the dispatch window. -Scheduling now shows Time & Date only by default, table # is optional. -Tournament Director's "Comments & Summary" public blog (bug fix). -New on-screen clock |
V4.0.3.4 | -Notepad shortcut to store/retrieve various scrolling messages. -Improved text-messaging delivery priority. -New Tournament Director's "Comments & Summary" public blog. |
V4.0.3.3 | -Ability to specify alternate event location (from section 10 of setup). (Useful feature for TD running "Tour" on the road) -Round-Robin "Overflow" bug and resulting mis-rotation corrected . -Characters "_" and "-" now accepted in names and aliases. -Ability to enter negative amount in the payout "Added" box for no-show. |
V4.0.3.2 | -Truncated SMS Text message corrected. -Automatic database backup and 1-click retrieval. -Various minor interface bug fixes. |
V4.0.3.1 | -New and improved SMS Gateway service (Text messaging). -Right-click any empty/open table to see who's next in line for a table. |
V4.0.3.0 | -Larger font in use for Scheduling & Match-results. -Military time-format standardized. AM/PM format deprecated. |
V4.0.2.9 | -Bug fix Fairmatch handicap ensuring the race remains as set. -Table drop will complete if Fairmatch race is set properly. |
V4.0.2.8 | -"Live" player's Elo rating shown on top-right panel when selected. -Auto-balancing of ELO log to deal with events completed out of order. |
V4.0.2.7 | -New Auto-scroll bracket feature for improved on-screen follow-up. -Adjustment of tool-icons placement on smaller resolution. -Find-Player icon now visible in 960px wide split-screen mode. |
V4.0.2.6 | -Online Picture position adjusted for CHIP format on smaller resolution PC |
V4.0.2.5 | -Round-Robin speed and efficiency improved. -Various minor improvements. -Larger Fargo ID field to accommodate new Fargo membership # format. -Attendance Check-in improved to facilitate payment & texting. -Improved bracket-search with ability to type names. |
V4.0.2.4 | -Round-Robin getting mixed up by speed-switching rounds now fixed. |
V4.0.2.3 | -Larger Fargo ID field to accommodate new Fargo membership # format. -Attendance Check-in improved to facilitate payment & texting. -Improved bracket-search with ability to type names. |
V4.0.2.2 | -Option to hide the waiting-list in CHIP format. Prevents players from speeding up or slowing down in an attempt to "cherry-pick" their next opponent. |
V4.0.2.1 | -Attendance Check-In feature. Look for the yellow check mark icon in player's card. |
V4.0.2.0 | -Fix for a potential problem when printing scorecards from dispatch, while the score recording window is open. |
V4.0.1.9 | -Split-screen allowing 2 brackets/instances on a single high-res monitor (Split-icon top-right). -Select various CHIP color. Useful to identify special types of CHIP events. -Improved error reporting, allows us to serve you better if an issue occurs. |
V4.0.1.8 | -Attract new customers with the very entertaining, fast-pace, social and challenging CHIP format. Fully automated. Check out our tutorial video for more information. -Ability to display level-prizes on bracket header (same as online bracket). -All computed prizes are now rounded to nearest 5$. -New No-HDC OPEN-Race settings, lifting all results recording restrictions. All format except R-Robin and CHIP. -Updated Interface |
V4.0.1.7C BETA | COMING EARLY 2019; Full integration of the CHIP format. Attract new customers with the very entertaining, fast-pace, social and challenging CHIP format. Check out our tutorial video for more information. BETA tester welcome, send us a quick note at support@budtour.com. Ability to display level-prizes on bracket header (same as online bracket). All prizes now rounded to nearest 5$ |
V4.0.1.6 | New Open-Play format for custom match sequence, can be submitted to Fargo. New clean-up utility to optimize your database. Collapsing bottom section of bracket now brings more table in view. Ranking-flag and/or match-comment triggers a confirmation prior to dispatch. Break-Pool bundling-rebates can be turned off. (Right-click "$" bag in section 8 of Set-up) |
V4.0.1.5 | Race on double KO match now properly set. Winner & Second are now shown in proper order in ranking (4014 bug only). Announcing Fargorate availability for all subscribers. |
V4.0.1.4 | Improved online bracket interface. All online brackets are now displaying players full-names. Scrolling names at the bottom of the bracket are now full-names. Option in "Settings and Defaults" to continue uploading and scrolling aliases. |
V4.0.1.3 | Win-probabilities now displayed in the Fargo Fair-match handicap window. Fargo Fair-Match now available as 1-click auto-selection(HOT, MED, MILD). Implementation of auto-zoom in database picture cropping. Various minor interface adjustments. |
V4.0.1.2 | You may now log a player's current Fargo rating from the database following registration, and from the player's card in tournament setup, and this even if the bracket has not yet been generated. Look for the Fargorate logo. Some adjustments to the Fairmatch window to make it more intuitive. |
V4.0.1.1 | Various minor improvements to interface and functionality. |
V4.0.1.0 | FINAL RELEASE OF V4006-7-8-9 / See corresponding updates for more detail. Ability to update a player's Elo-Rating on the spot during a tournament (when Elo skill is in use). Great to jump-start a player's Elo-rating value based on live-evaluation, resulting in a race selection that better reflects opponents skill. |
V4.0.0.9 Pre-Release | The Fargo already-submitted lock was not reset when using an existing tournament as a template. |
V4.0.0.8 Pre-Release | FargoRate submission process improved (accessible on a per-account basis / send us an email at support@budtour.com if you wish to download & activate). Elo-Rating Volatility Factor introduced. Level-change-suggestions are raised based on a selected # of consecutive matches at adjoining levels, up or down. Elo-Rating Pacing option. Equal-match assigns a shorter race to lower skilled players to avoid delay. New option to hide the Buy-Back cumulative amount from the main bracket screen. (Cumulative $ can still be seen from the Tourney-Setup window). |
V4.0.0.6 & (BETA RELEASE) | You can now preset up to 12 different table-sponsor groups of 64 tables. You can then select a different sponsor-group based on events and promotions. New self-managed Elo-Rating system to control all player's skill fluctuation based on performance. Click here to watch our detailed tutorial-video. One-click, FargoRate results-submission is currently in BETA testing. Send us a quick note at support@budtour.com if you would like to participate in the BETA testing. We'll remote activate your copy (active subscription required). Click here to watch our detailed tutorial-video. |
V4.0.0.5 | 2 CAPS per word now allowed in Database name fields. |
V4.0.0.4 | Auto-formatting on Organization Info-name removed. Acronyms will now remain all caps as entered. Ability to rename the Break & Run contest on a per tournament basis. |
V4.0.0.3 | Locking release corrected when creating new tournament following another event already open. Break and Run tickets increased to 25 per player. (Up to a maximum of 2500 issued per event) |
V4.0.0.2 | New locking mechanisms to prevent the same Tournaments from being opened in more than 1 instance when running multiple PC or instances. Preventing overwriting and file corruption. |
V4.0.0.1 |
Multi Monitor management for 3 monitors and up. Instance 1 to monitor #2, instance 2 to #3, etc. Database locking mechanism between multiple instances when sharing a same data path. (Preventing overwriting and file corruption) New Shuffleboard alternate graphics set. All window headers shows the instance # when running multiple instances. |
V4.0.0.0 | IMPORTANT CHANGES TO INGENPOOL PRO LICENSING; The Unlimited Lifetime Registration is no longer available for Ingenpool-Pro. We now offer a simple low-cost yearly-subscription which gives you FULL access to all standard AND advanced features for a period of 1 year. Users who already purchased a lifetime registration License retain their benefits of unlimited access to all standard features. A membership is still required to access the advanced features. |
V3.1.1.2 |
Ensure proper recording of game time & results on last games and during double-KO scenario. Fixes a bug when opening a game comment from the right-arrow-icon in a Round-Robin |
V3.1.1.1 |
Ability to modify the Letter-Ratings assigned to level 1 to 10 of Skill A & B. |
V3.1.1.0 |
Fix player record picture printing on Point-Compiler and History-Compiler. Introduce ability to issue complimentary Break & Run tickets based on previous participation. |
V3.1.0.9 |
New optional Score-sheets available for specific formats, to comply with other legacy software. |
V3.1.0.8 |
Fixes the error "Index was outside the bounds of the array" in procedure: RTskillRankToShow which occurred when Scotch-Double was selected prior to the Handicap. Fixes truncated printout from print-preview when multiple pages are required Ability to drag'n drop team members within the database to change their line-up positions within their respective team. |
V3.1.0.7 |
Individual Skill now displayed on Scorecard and Dispatch for Scotch-Double format. Median value of both players also displayed. |
V3.1.0.6 |
Minor mod to seeding sequence to comply with popular bracket generation tools & sites. Option to print the seeding sequence on blank bracket. Ability to switch line-up positions in set-up using drag and drop until brackets are drawn. |
V3.1.0.5 |
Break and Run Contest (formerly Break-Pool) management process upgrade. See tutorial video section for detail. Pictures out-of-sync on Round-Robin upload has been fixed. Round-Robin team position progress now shown as per loaded round on screen. Dropbox Syncing-pause reminder. Minimum Buy-Back amount reduced to $2 |
V3.1.0.4 |
Ability to Drag the dispatch windows. Apply sponsor settings to multiple tables at once. New streamlined drag-to-bye Late-entry process. New Round-Robin format / full team support for league play. Built-in 8-ball 10 & 17 points system. Multiple Player-Skill support. 8-Ball, 9-Ball, League, Rating. New template process. Open an existing tourney as a template. Ability to manually remove/insert the PRO/MALE extra charge by clicking on the amount field. Improved "Find Player" feature. Full automated support for Scotch-Double events. On 128 double, E1 & E2 have been reversed to comply with current BCA bracket. Auto-Upload now only shuts off AFTER the last match is completed. NAPA Handicap system added. Bug on final match log results. |
V3.1.0.3 |
Master-Copy shared database feature implementation (Active Membership required). Announcement/dispatch window updates instantly on database record update. Flow modification on the 64 modified format to comply with major associations. |
V3.1.0.2 |
Modified # of player returning, now available for lower roster count. Points now allocated for Double & Mixed K-O using the same range as previous version. Modified is using the Single range. Short-cut to Template folder, to facilitate deleting obsolete templates. Flow modification on the 32 extended modified format to comply with major associations. New Auto-Detect-Carrier for membership using texting feature. Bug fix where races where reset to default when re-opening a closed tourney |
V3.1.0.1 | New option for the Modified-format allowing you to shuffle all players returning to the winner-side, based on luck-of-the-draw. Bracket player's picture-size now 33% larger, both on-screen and online. Adjust Modified bracket placement on screen . |
V3.1.0.0 |
New Male Upcharge option in tourney setting section 5. Scrolling Messages editor improved. Overlapping components when Team Window opens in database. New option to hide the Skill letter-rating (show skill # only). Database export "To HTML" now includes all fields. Additional Bracket UPLOAD features for members. |
V3.0.9.8 | Ensures the proper Calcutta prize distribution on double format (1,2,3,4,5-6,7-8). Player league change after registration now updating in currently open tournament. Photo were not following players when swapping due to same league pairing. Database Email export no longer restricted by "Notify" option. "Texting" option remains for permission to text. Adjustment to Bye granted. Now granted as per line-up positions. |
V3.0.9.7 | Fixes a conversion issue occasionally occurring in Point-Compiler due to regional settings. Fixes a problem preventing the auto-updater to start in some situation. |
V3.0.9.6 | Corrects wrong Money-earned value displayed in the Point & History compiler. As of 3.0.9.X, the money earned by each player is recorded in the tournament file when the tourney is closing and remains accurate through time. Any tourney closed with a previous version will output "N/A" in those compilers. In some situation, older tournament were showing irrelevant money earned value. This update fixes the problem. |
V3.0.9.5 | Export closed tourney results to HTML in Points-Compiler now available. |
V3.0.9.4 | Prevents a scheduling error when a template is used to create a new tournament. Prevents Points-Compiler and History from opening when a tour is in progress (bracket created) to avoid disrupting the bracket flow in use. |
V3.0.9.3 | Fixes a problem preventing the points-compiler from opening in some situation. |
V3.0.9.2 | Database utility to copy all Skill-Level value to Rank. |
V3.0.9.1 | Display the player's ranking instead of skill-level. On screen, reports, scorecards, etc. |
V3.0.9.0 | Ability to replace a player after the draw and before match completion. New set of fully customizable Modified bracket. Tourney Name now remains capitalized as entered. Maximum 30 chars for name. Minor mods to ensure 100% efficiency under Window 8 OS. Break-Pool report now reflects draw-position of all tickets purchased. Cropping of player's pic can now be done from any mouse-direction. More efficient uploads to Internet. Ensure Bye placement as per BCA sequence. New HTML output option for "Results and Scores" report. Races Settings using live Tourney or simulator bracket. Improved bracket headers. Table Sponsor Naming. Player's Country Flag on bracket. New point compiler. New Player History live compiler. All scheduling type can now be printed. Bulk-Texting all players with scheduled match. Forfeit option on Match Win/Loss recording. Buy-back option on all double elimination format. Option for Tourney Auto-upload on bracket change. (membership). Bracket upload with more detail, and now viewable on IPhone. Match Race result (and/or score result) now displayed on bracket. |
V3.0.8.5 | Smaller dispatch windows, their numbers only limited by screen real estate. (Avg 25 min). Minor interface adjustements when player's pics are in use. New graphic sets for the Cornhole game. New report listing roster contact information. Database full name change now reflected instantly in open tourney. |
V3.0.8.4 | Fix to properly switch the player's picture (if in use) when swapping position from the center/start bracket position. Fix to Calcutta scrolling swith on/off interfering with player's pics. |
V3.0.8.3 | New Text messaging preset options (with membership only). Minor fix on player's picture bracket loading (with membership only). Table Menu position adjusted for multi monitors setup. Scheduling bug fix on multi monitor switching. |
V3.0.8.2 | Minor fix to improve processing speed. |
V3.0.8.1 | IngenPool Race table was not displaying spot on scorecard. Break-Pool ticket purchased limit increased from 5 to 99 per players. Dual-Screen management improved. Handicap table can now be exported to HTML for Printing/Posting. Text Messaging now available with yearly membership. |
V3.0.8.0 | Dispatch form no longer duplicate on same players call. Scores corrected on results and scores hard copy. Adjusted for better fit on 1024 x 600 Netbook size. |
V3.0.7.9 | Compiler (menu Tool-Compiler) adjusted and improved. Now allows complete results data-dump for the season. Some hard-copy reports now available with increased font-size. |
V3.0.7.8 | Database record-locking mechanism implemented when multiple instance are running on the same computer. Game time allowed can be viewed when clicking table timer or hover over. Player's pic are now shown within bracket at current player's position. (with membership) |
V3.0.7.7 | Bracket flow adjustments to the Mixed Knockout format. |
V3.0.7.6 | Adjustment of bracket-sizing VS screen resolution to maximize view. Adjust delay between top-scrolling-messages; click middle-top blue chalk. Stop Calcutta payouts scrolling at the top; ; click middle-left blue chalk. Option in setup to output tournament Payouts to HTML. |
V3.0.7.5 | Enable connection to share server directory for data source. Database record locking mechanism for multiple running instance . Bottom table icon section adjusted to proper minimize. Player's Skill new "Show/Hide switch on right of skill scrolling bar. Click the blue arrow to minimize or anywhere on the bar. IngenPool will resize (restart or Ctrl-Z) based on Window task-bar position. (Reposition the Window task-bar to the right to maximize bracket view and minimize scrolling) |
V3.0.7.4 | Simulator late-entry adjustment. Search player in bracket repositionned to be more convenient. |
V3.0.7.3 | Shortcuts to open windows, and to move & resize brackets between monitors on a dual+ monitor/HDTV system. New font icon at the top of the table strip to adjust bracket font size. |
V3.0.7.2 | New field "Rank" in database to keep track of alternative ranking system with an option to print in Roster instead of skill-level when an "Alternate Graphic Set" is selected in "Setup" The database main listing now highlights in red all registered players when a tournament is open. Tabbing between database field improved and corrected. Graphics fine-tuned for Window 7. Tournament name maximum characters increased to 40. Scorecard custom text increased from 250 to 2000 characters. |
V3.0.7.1 | Option to increase font-size for bracket 64 and up. See "Settings and Defaults" in menu "Setup" |
V3.0.7.0 | Allowing decimal entry during payout table editing. |
V3.0.6.9 | New option in "Settings & Defaults" for an alert when a player is assigned to the same table twice in a row. New option in "Settings & Defaults" to use a custom tile image for background. Select the last item in the background selection, and hit the openfile icon to choose a tiling image. |
V3.0.6.8 | Minor adjustment to "already-used" table behavior. |
V3.0.6.7 | Correcting a bug introduced in update 6.6 preventing saving. We apologize for the inconvenience |
V3.0.6.6 | New "Save a copy as..." menu in "File" to quickly save a copy of a tournament. New option allowing the same table to be played more than once before the "same table alert" comes up |
V3.0.6.5 | An "Under-Ranked" flag has been implemented to alert the organization of a potential need for a player's skill revision. The flag is entered as a checkmark beside the skill drop-down box in the database player's record. When a player is flagged, IngenPool will attract your attention as follow;Note that this flag merely act as a reminder of some sort regarding a specific player, and can also be used for any other purposes you see fit. The following characters are now allowed for Alias and Name; "#" "&" "/" |
V3.0.6.4 | The player database sorting settings now remains between operation. New "Temporary" field in player database records. If a record is only to be used for a specific event, you can now flag it as "Temporary" to facilitate it's removal when the event is over. To remove all "Temporary" records in one operation, click the Setting Wheel (middle-left), and select "Remove temporary records". Note that this option is only available for the local database, and temporary records cannot be selected as team member. |
V3.0.6.3 | New "IFrame" utility in menu "Tool" to publish tournament brackets and info directly on your website at the click of a mouse. |
V3.0.6.2 | You may now upload scheduling info to the web Brackets can now be scrolled using the Mouse Wheel The daily SQL data download is now optional. See Settings and Defaults |
V3.0.6.1 | Unwanted text box showing in single tourney when pencil clicked. Fixed. Option to record scores as a percentage implemented. (see new option in "Confirm Winner" window) Bracket Window caption now reflect the currently open tourney to facilitate tourney identification in multiple instances scenario. Validation implemented to avoid simultaneously opening the same tournament by more than one intance of IngenPool. |
V3.0.6.0 | Option to export roster listing to HTML file. The file can then be used as is or imported in Excel. See "To HTML" link at the top of the roster listing in tournament setup. |
V3.0.5.9 | Sound adjusted in spinning wheel to prevent lock up on certain OS. |
V3.0.5.8 | Player's picture resizing ratio adjusted throughout windows. (Membership use only) |
V3.0.5.7 | Red table-scrolling buttons behavior fine tuned. Wrong table number used in various dialog corrected. |
V3.0.5.6 | Allow registered player's payment to be recorded within the database window (Click the mini ID card above the register button). Score and race recording is now optional. E-skill feature no longer available. New option in "Settings" to removed the winner/loser confirmation window. Changing a player's skill while an active tourney is open will give you the option to apply the skill change to the current tournament. |
V3.0.5.5 | Template saving corrected to prevent over-writing existing files. |
V3.0.5.4 | Deleted records from V2.3 are no longer imported by the Import Database Tool. |
V3.0.5.3 | Digits allowed in Name field of player database. Team color adjusted in Database. |
V3.0.5.2 | Dollard sign positioning adjusted on bracket. Dollard sign adjusted when payouts are changed while tourney is in progress. Tabbing flow on custom payouts corrected. |
V3.0.5.1 | Day-of-the-week correction on flyer and web upload. |
V3.0.5.0 | Various minor graphic adjustments. |
V3.0.4.9 | Added a "Warning" if there's an attempt to change one of the 4 table ranges while one of the table in the range is occupied. Dollard Sign now shows on the bracket indicating when players are in the money. |
V3.0.4.8 | Improvement to Import V2.3 database feature to facilitate importing data. |
V3.0.4.7 | Bug preventing Manual scheduling entry fix. Option in settings to set date to MM/DD instead of DD/MM in bracket scheduling. Switch to turn table-scrolling ON/OFF added at the bottom of the table strip. Starting multiple instances now allowed. 4 new bracket graphical scheme in Settings. |
V3.0.4.6 | Table Scheduling printing now react to option in scheduling to Hide table # from bracket and printout. |
V3.0.4.5 | New option in scheduling to Hide table # from bracket and printout. Setting custom score handicap table to 0 removes reference to target score on Confirmation, Dispatch and Scorecard. |
V3.0.4.4 | Roster card now accessible from database to register payment received and break-pool ticket bought. Bug resolved in race setting. Vertical guide lines added to race setting window. |
V3.0.4.3 | Scheduling bug corrected when condensed format is double-click. Roster list now scrolls to follow entries as registration are processed. |
V3.0.4.2 | Option added at the bottom of the Pool table strip to select either Date OR Table # in bracket scheduling when condensed bracket are in use. |
V3.0.4.1 | Database entry process streamlined for increased data entry speed and validation. |
V3.0.4.0 | Improved Race and Handicap Manager. |
V3.0.3.9 | Bracket Printing improved and organization logo now printing on all bracket. |
V3.0.3.8 | Team printing corrected and team member's league info added. |
V3.0.3.7 | Improvement to scheduling tool & Time format adjusted. |
V3.0.3.6 | Registration of team where member count <> Tourney setup now allowed, with a warning. |
V3.0.3.5 | Database HTML export now includes League. All database grid columns now sortable. Desktop option in Settings updated to new logo. Label cluttering team database window corrected. |
V3.0.3.4 | Sound ON/OFF switch in setting now effective. League info added to database grid. Improved fonts for condensed bracket view. Database tabbing improved for more efficiency City no longer a required field for offline/local records |
V3.0.3.3 | Offline/local player picture was sometimes failing to save on new record. E-skil box was not visible / intermitent" |
V3.0.3.2 | Flashing warning when the table timers are off, and an "in-progress" tournament is loaded. Upload adjusted to show "--" when races are not recorded instead of "-1" |
V3.0.3.1 | Ability to right-click and "Copy" the online tournament link (top-left of bracket window) for pasting in a document or email. New menu item in "Help" to access detailled information of recent updates (what you're reading now) |
V3.0.3.0 | League info added to "Print Roster" in tournament setup |